
【iOSDC2024】I Got an Digital Piano at Home,So I Tried Making an App thatConnects with It!

【iOSDC2024 #LT】I Got an Digital Piano at Home,So I Tried Making an App thatConnects with It!

This article summarizes the details of the LT session iOSDC2024, I Got an Digital Piano at Home,So I Tried Making an App thatConnects with It!, which was presented at iOSDC2024.
In this LT, I developed an app that connects a MIDI-compatible electric piano with Apple devices, including iPhone, iPad, and VisionPro. The app displays information from the electric piano, such as which keys were pressed and how hard they were pressed.
Below is a capture of the information being displayed on an iPad while playing the electric piano.

The slides for this LT were created using SlideKit with Swift.
If you want to check out the slides, please download them from the TestFlight public link!
Please note that the TestFlight app has an expiration date, so if you want to download it but the link has expired, please contact me at @u5_03!
Also, I received full cooperation from my partner, who has extensive experience with the piano, for the technical knowledge and insights in this presentation, haha.

Article Content

1. About MIDI Standards

【iOSDC2024 #LT】1. About MIDIThis article summarizes the "About MIDI" section of the announcement "We got a digital piano at home, so we decided to make an app that works with the piano!"...

2. Creating an App That Connects with an Electric Piano Using Core MIDI

【iOSDC2024 #LT】2. Using Core MIDI to create an app that works with a digital pianoThis article summarizes the part of the presentation "We got a digital piano at home, so we decided to make an app that works with the piano!", entitled "Using Core MIDI to create an app that works with a digital piano" ...

3. Creating a Piano UI Using Layout Protocol

【iOSDC2024 #LT】3. I tried making a piano UI using Layout ProtocolThis article summarizes the part of the presentation "We got a digital piano at home, so we decided to make an app that works with the piano!", entitled "I tried making a piano UI using Layout Protocol."...

4. Creating Slide Effects with SwiftUI Animations

【iOSDC2024 #LT】4. I tried making a slideshow using SwiftUI animationsThis article summarizes the part of the presentation "We got a digital piano at home, so we decided to make an app that works with the piano!", entitled " I tried making a slideshow using SwiftUI animations"...

5. Implementing AutoScrollView

【iOSDC2024 #LT】5. How to implement AutoScrollViewThis article summarizes the part of the presentation "We got a digital piano at home, so we decided to make an app that works with the piano!", entitled "How to implement AutoScrollView"...

6. Making the Piano UI App Compatible with visionOS

【iOSDC2024 #LT】6. Extra support for visionOS of PianoUIThis article summarizes the part of the presentation "We got a digital piano at home, so we decided to make an app that works with the piano!", entitled Extra support for visionOS of PianoUI!"...


【iOSDC2024 #LT】Wrap upThis article wrap up the presentation "We got a digital piano at home, so we decided to make an app that works with the piano!"...

Implemented Code and Packages

  1. iOSDC2024 Slide App
    • Supports iOS / macOS
    • Excuse the messy code
  2. PianoUI
    • A package defining the piano keyboard UI and note information


The next article will cover “1. About MIDI Standards.”

【iOSDC2024 #LT】1. About MIDIThis article summarizes the "About MIDI" section of the announcement "We got a digital piano at home, so we decided to make an app that works with the piano!"...


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