iOS Tried using Xcode Cloud! 2023-04-11 Sugiy U Log SugiyのLife Log Recently, I had the opportunity to touch Xcode Cloud, so I briefly su …
Event 2. Move Vapor - Communicate between iPhone and Raspberry Pi with Vapor 2 2022-09-09 Sugiy U Log SugiyのLife Log Move Vapor - Communicate between iPhone and Raspberry Pi with Vapor 2 …
Heroku Generate SSH Keys for Xcode 2022-09-04 Sugiy U Log SugiyのLife Log Generate SSH Keys for Xcode When using a private repository with S …
Design 【iOSDC2022】Make your home more convenient and safer with Swift! 2022-08-21 Sugiy U Log SugiyのLife Log Make your home easier and safer with Swift! This article is based …
iOS [Xcode] When debugging with Xcode, "couldn't create a ClangImporter) Cannot create Swift scratch context" is displayed, and the value cannot be confirmed during debugging. 2021-12-31 Sugiy U Log SugiyのLife Log [Xcode] When debugging with Xcode, "couldn't create a ClangImporter) C …
iPhone Create custom shortcuts in Xcode! 2021-10-06 Sugiy U Log SugiyのLife Log Create custom shortcuts in Xcode! What are Xcode custom shortcuts? W …
iOS Easily set DeviceSupport to build new OS devices that are not eligible for Xcode 2021-07-17 Sugiy U Log SugiyのLife Log Easily set DeviceSupport to build new OS devices that are not eligible …
iOS Publish Local Package from Xcode as Package 2021-07-10 Sugiy U Log SugiyのLife Log Publish Local Package from Xcode as Package Starting with Xcode11, you …
iOS 【Xcode】How to build in real device without connecting with a cable 2021-06-10 Sugiy U Log SugiyのLife Log 【Xcode】How to build in real device without connecting with a cable I …
iOS Operate device network status etc. from Xcode 2021-06-09 Sugiy U Log SugiyのLife Log Operate device network status etc. from Xcode I want to check the ope …