
【iOSDC2022】Make your home more convenient and safer with Swift!


Make your home easier and safer with Swift!

This article is based on the session presented at iOSDC2022, Make your home more convenient and safe with Swift!
The summary of the implemented contents is like ↓! (I put it together like a certain OS!)

Click here for presentation slides (Figma)

Click here for PDF slides!

0. Introduction – Announcement and overview of SwiftHome

0.Introduction - Announcement and overview of SwiftHomeThis article is an article that summarizes the contents of the introductory part of the announcement of "Make your home more convenient and safe with Swift"!...

1. Run Swift on Raspberry Pi – Use GPIO to blink an LED

1. Run Swift on Raspberry Pi - Use GPIO to blink an LEDThis article is an article that summarizes the contents of part 1 of the announcement of "Make your home more convenient and safe with Swift", "Running Swift on a Raspberry Pi - Blinking LEDs using GPIO"!...

2. Move Vapor – Communicate between iPhone and Raspberry Pi with Vapor


2. Move Vapor - Communicate between iPhone and Raspberry Pi with Vapor 1This article is an article that summarizes part of the contents of the second part of the announcement of "Make your home more convenient and safe with Swift", "2. Moving Vapor - Communication between iPhone and Raspberry Pi with Vapor"!...


2. Move Vapor - Communicate between iPhone and Raspberry Pi with Vapor 2This article is an article that summarizes part of the contents of the second part of the announcement of "Make your home more convenient and safe with Swift", "2. Moving Vapor - Communication between iPhone and Raspberry Pi with Vapor"!...


2. Move Vapor - Communicate between iPhone and Raspberry Pi with Vapor 3This article is an article that summarizes part of the contents of the second part of the announcement of "Make your home more convenient and safe with Swift", "2. Moving Vapor - Communication between iPhone and Raspberry Pi with Vapor"!...

3. Read sensor value on Raspberry Pi – Get weight sensor value

3. Read sensor value with Raspberry Pi - Get weight sensor valueThis article is an article that summarizes the contents of Part 3 "3. Read the sensor value with Raspberry Pi - Get the weight sensor value" of the announcement "Make your home more convenient and safe with Swift"!...

4. Link with card reader – read Suica ID

4. Link with card reader - read Suica IDThis article is an article that summarizes the contents of part 4 "4. Linking with a card reader - reading Suica ID" in the announcement of "Make your home more convenient and safe with Swift"!...

5. Use the motion sensor – attack from here

5. Use the motion sensor - attack from hereThis article is an article that summarizes the contents of part 5 "5. Use the motion sensor - attack from here" in the announcement of "Make your home more convenient and safe with Swift"!...

Summary – After implementing SwiftHome

Summary - After implementing SwiftHomeThis article is an article that summarizes the contents of "Summary - After implementing SwiftHome" in the announcement of "Make your home more convenient and safe with Swift"!...

Bonus 1. Make a slide with Figma

Bonus 2. Webhook integration – Run Raspberry Pi from Google Home

Bonus 3. Set up Wiring Pi with Ubuntu that can operate GPIO from Terminal

Supplementary article

Generate SSH Keys for Xcode

Generate SSH Keys for XcodeI summarized how to generate SSH keys for Xcode...

Operate SwitchBot devices using SwitchBot’s API

Operate SwitchBot devices using SwitchBot's APII searched how to operate SwitchBot devices using SwitchBot's API...

SwiftHome project usage repository

  1. SwiftHomeApp: Demo iOS application
  2. SwiftHomeServer: Vapor Server Swift Package for Heroku deployment
  3. SwiftHomePi: Swift Package for Raspberry Pi
  4. SwiftJHomeCore: Packages commonly used in SwiftHome projects
  5. SwiftHomeServerCore: Package commonly used for server processing of SwiftHome project
  6. SwiftHomeLED: Swift Package for demonstration using SwiftyGPIO on Raspberry Pi
  7. SwiftHomeCredentials(Private Repository): Swift Package containing authentication information such as basic authentication information


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